Learn about
  • Making your own personalized home treatment plan
  • Guidance from doctors
  • What kind of drugs to use?
  • Where to get your drugs
  • How to find support from doctors
  • What to expect
  • Stay home? Urgent Care? Hospital?
  • Finding the truth in spite of fake news, big tech, big pharma
  • Connecting with others
This website is what every government website should be. Free, uncensored information. Exchanging ideas & treatments that work. Free flowing information from all sides. Healthy lifestyle choices, statistics from everywhere, experienced doctors who use every tool. protocol and medicine to help others.

Instead, we get tyranical power hungry, money grabbing idiots who just say vax-vax-boost while they line their pockets with money.
We're helping people Worldwide! Look where our friends are from;

USA, UK, Canada, India, Singapore, Australia, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Brazil, Belgium, Czechia, China, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, Turkey, South Korea, Spain, Israel, Sweden Ukraine, Uruguay, Russia, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Switzerland, Argentina, Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Bulgaria, Hong Kong, Latvia, Levanon, Pakistan, Romania, Servia, Italy.
Who was right & wrong about Covid?
Who gave out CORRECT information?
Who gave out FALSE information ?
These guys all ​suppressed & censored truthful information & promoted fear for just money grabbing profits
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Fake News
  • Big Tech
  • Big Pharma
  • Biden Adminsitration
  • Local & State Governments
  • CA, MI, NY & other blue states
  • Virtually all hospitals
  • Virtually all doctors
  • Virtually all businesses
Consider this...
There are no studies about the effectiveness of the vaccine, boosters, masks & lockdowns.

There are countless reports about Vaccine Injury, DEATH, FEAR, alternative treatments, censorship & misinformation.
Quick Links to Our Content
View Get the FREE 10 Step Quick Start Guide for Covid Early Treatment
View Breaking News
View Doctors Who Know Better
View Vaccine Injury
View The Truth Is Out There
View Supplements (hint: Lactoferrin, Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin D3 + Vitamin K2, NAC, Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), Cinnamon, Magnesium, Turmeric, Vitamin C, Vitamin B12 )
View Lose Weight!
View Covid Shopping for Products & Services
View Do You Need Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine ?
View Topic of the Day
View How To Get Started to Manage Your Covid Plan
View Covid Resources
View Monoclonal Antibody Treatment
View Leronlimab (The BEST monoclonal antibody)
View Right to Try Programs by FDA
View The Big Lie
View No Censorship Here!
View Censorship & Freedom
View Wellness Membership Program
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10 Step Quick Start Guide for Covid Early Treatment
6 6
There are lots of resources on this website to help you develop your own Home-Based Early Treatment plan. While you are doing your own research you can use this free 10 Step Quick Start Guide for Covid Early Treatment.
10 Step Quick Start Guide
for Covid Home Early Treatment
"A practical survival guide for
living with covid for the next 100 years"
Omicron Edition
Covid Shopping for Products & Services
FREE phone call. Give us a call to discuss your situation & concerns. We've "been there" and "done that". We can help you take the confusion and overload of information out of your situation. We can't give you medical advice but we can discuss possible solutions that you can review and decide upon.
Wellness Membership Program
Do You Need Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine ?
6 2
View Get Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine - Wellness Membership Program
View Ivermectin Online Prescription
View FLCCC Covid-19 Care Providers
View FLCCC Pharmacies
View Pharmacies List
View Shea's Apothecary, Sacramento, CA 916 208-9096 (Call & ask)
Topic of the Day
THE monoclonal antibody that Big Pharma doesn't want you to know about. Shhhh....

#Leronlimab unlocks life saving treatments for Covid, Covid Long Haulers, HIV, Cancer mTNBC, Cancer metastasis, NASH, Parkinson and more, with ZERO deaths and ZERO serious adverse events (SAEs).

Think about that.

Currently the vax has over 20,000 DEATHS!
And that's probably under-reported.

Ask the FDA why they won't even release an EUA to explore this life saving emerging therapeutic? #Leronlimab

Learn More About Leronlimab
How To Get Started to Manage Your Covid Plan
2 4
Dr. Vliet describes how to reduce your risk of getting sick from COVID-19. She explains home-based early treatment based on medical studies. Learn ways to boost your immune system, access early treatment and reduce the risk of going into hospital.
Get The Covid Patient Guide
Covid Patient Guide
Covid Resources
2 2
There are many medical professionals willing to treat people with various medicines, supplements and other resources. Your own personal research should identify these people and medicines before you get sick so you don't waste any time getting the treatment you need. Build your own personal Home-Based Early Treatment plan. Take the mystery and fear out of Covid and get your, and your family's, life back on track.

Dr. Brian Tyson, MD

Interview with Brian Tyson, MD, from California – a Pioneer of Outpatient Treatment for COVID-19

Dr Brian Tyson is one of the pioneers of early outpatient treatment for COVID-19, with zero death and just one short hospitalization out of some 1700 COVID-19 positive patients in Southern California.

Treatment Using The FLCCC Protocol

Treatment Using The FLCCC Protocol
Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance

Prevention & Treatment Protocols for COVID-19

Lifesaving protocols for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19

Information to Share With Your Doctor

Information to Share With Your Doctor
Take this information to your doctor

How To Get Ivermectin

How To Get Ivermectin
Until ivermectin’s use as both a preventive and treatment agent are more widely accepted or recommended, many physicians will be reluctant to prescribe.

If your doctor will not prescribe ivermectin for you, please contact one of the providers listed below.
  • Shea Apothacary

  • - Pharmacy List
    Pharmacies listing: The accessibility of covid treatments through these pharmacies is always changing. It is the responsibility of the patient to call these pharmacies, to verify they are still filling WITHOUT a diagnostic code, to confirm they have a supply of ivermectin in stock, and to confirm pricing and pickup or delivery arrangements.

    Pharmacies listing

    How to Get Ivermectin - Prescriptions

NIH Ivermectin & COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines

NIH Ivermectin & COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines
Table 2e. Characteristics of Antiviral Agents That Are Approved or Under Evaluation for the Treatment of COVID-19

Last Updated: July 8, 2021

Dennis Prager - My COVID Experience

Dennis Prager - My COVID Experience
Fireside Chat Ep. 210 — My COVID Experience

Dennis Prager got COVID, the internet imploded, hateful people mocked & celebrated, and unfortunately for them and the lying media, he made a very quick recovery.

PHYSICIAN LIST for Home-Based COVID Treatment

Physician List (partial) to Home-Based COVID Treatment
Building your own at home Covid treatment plan means finding contacts for physician consultation and getting the medicine. Not all doctors, urgent care centers or hospitals support at home treatment plans or certain medications. Part of your research is to find suitable physicians who support your at home treatment plans. Here is a partial listing of Physicians who support Home-Based Covid Treatments
    Physicians listing

    U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid

    Monoclonal Antibody COVID-19 Infusion

    A free, donation supported, medical consultation service that connects patients directly to a doctor

  • AAPS
    A free, donation supported, medical consultation service that connects patients directly to a doctor

  • Early Treatment Protocols
    C19Protocols - Reducing Risk of COVID-19 Infection and Severity

  • Dr. Abe Malkin, M.D. M.B.A
    COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibody IV Therapy

    Offering Monoclonal Antibody IV Therapy to treat COVID-19 positive patients with mild to moderate symptoms or for prophylaxis for those who have had exposure to COVID-19

    Concierge MD is a mobile medical practice operating in Los Angeles and throughout the United States

  • Dr Tom Yarema
    Includes a great set of Q&A about Ivermectin

  • AMA Regen Med & Skincare
    Ivermectin TeleMedicine Appointment

  • Dr. Johnston
    Outpatient COVID-19 therapy or prophylaxis

  • Michael K. Turner, MD
    Specific Supplements with Proven Activity Against COVID

PHARMACY LIST for Home-Based COVID Treatment

Pharmacies & Wellness Centers List (partial) to Home-Based COVID Treatment
Building your own at home Covid treatment plan means finding contacts for physician consultation and getting the medicine. Not all doctors, urgent care centers or hospitals support at home treatment plans or certain medications. Part of your research is to find suitable physicians who support your at home treatment plans. Here is a partial listing of Pharmacies & Wellness Centers who support Home-Based Covid Treatments. Due to various politcal pressures many Pharmacies elect not to provide Covid related medications. However, some Pharmacies do but don't specifically advertise that they can provide Covid related medications so it's worth a phone call to see if they can help you.

Dosing for Prevention & Treatment

Dosing for Prevention & Treatment

Be sure to follow the FLCCC Protocol or your Physican's Instructions
FLCCC - An overview of the MATH+, I-MASK+ and I-RECOVER Protocols
Specific Supplements with Proven Activity Against COVID

Concerned Doctors & Citizens of the Philippines

Concerned Doctors & Citizens of the Philippines
Ivermectin Prophylaxis & Outpatient Treatment

Riverside County (California) Opens Monoclonal Antibody COVID-19 Treatment Center

Riverside County (California) Opens Monoclonal Antibody COVID-19 Treatment Center
Riverside University Health System (RUHS) Medical Center and the California’s Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) have partnered together to open the hospital’s first Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Center to mitigate severe disease within COVID-19 patients
For questions about scheduling, please contact the clinic directly at 951-486-6520

More Reading at these Websites

More Reading at these Websites
    Formed by leading critical care specialists in March 2020, at the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, the ‘Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance’ is now a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to developing highly effective treatment protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 and to improve the outcomes for patients ill with the disease.

  • Children's Health Defense
    is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Its mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and to establish safeguards so this never happens again.

  • Big Pharma Exposed

  • The Epoch Times
    The Epoch Times is the fastest-growing independent news media in America. We are nonpartisan and dedicated to truthful reporting.

  • National Library of Medicine
    Ivermectin: a multifaceted drug of Nobel prize-honoured distinction with indicated efficacy against a new global scourge, COVID-19

Ivermectin (IVM) Stops COVID-19!

Ivermectin (IVM) Stops COVID-19!
Lots & lots of great information about Ivermectin

Ivermectin (IVM) WORKS!

Ivermectin (IVM) WORKS!
Large, Peer-Reviewed Research Study Shows Ivermectin Works
Regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization and mortality rates.
Monoclonal Antibody Treatment
12 12
Monoclonal Antibody Treatment (mAb) is very effective. President Trump received mAb (among other things) and recovered in about 3 days.

All the Washington D.C. elites who got covide received mAb treatment and recovered immediately. These people were overweight, old (many over age 65), poor habits like smoking, drinking, lack of exercise, etc... yet they all recovered from Covid.

So ask yourself, why do the elites get mAb treatment and quickly recover when the rest of the country, and world, is undergoing fear, political power grabs, forced vaccines and mandates? Why are medical professionals, airline pilots, police, fire and military people losing their jobs by refusing the vax?

The most important thing you can do is to learn about mAb treatment and how to get it for you, your family and loved ones.

Monoclonal Antibody Treatement Centers List

Monoclonal Antibody Treatement Centers (Partical List)
The best treatment is the monoclonal antibodies. Most likely Regeneron. That's what the Washington DC elites got. All those old, unhealthy people got Covid and survived. Every wonder why? Evey wonder why they get special drugs to cure Covid and we get an experimental vax forced upon us, in addition to ridiculous mandates?

The VERY BEST monoclonal antibody is #Leronlimab, which is being suppressed by the FDA, big pharma, fake news and political corruption. But, keep an eye on it as it may be approved for other indications and may become available using off-label use.

To find a location near you, Google this "monoclonal antibodies treatment in arizona"
  • Pomona, CA
    Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center - California

  • Riverside, CA
    Riverside University Health System (RUHS) Medical Center - California

  • Phoenix, AZ
    Phoenix ER & Medical Hospital - Arizon

  • Texas
    Department of State Health Services (DSHS)

  • Texas
    Texas availability map - Texas

  • Florida
    Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Therapy is Widely Available In Florida. View availability map

Monoclonal Antibody Treatment Centers in USA
Monoclonal antibody therapeutic treatments are shipped nationwide. Patients should coordinate with their respective physician or care provider before contacting a location to receive treatment. A call center is available to answer questions and provide information related to monoclonal antibody therapeutic treatments at the following phone numbers: 1-877-332-6585 (English Language); 1-877-366-0310 (Spanish Language)
View Map
4 2
A Monoclonal Antibody (mAb)
Leronlimab Saves Lives.
#Leronlimab is an emerging therapeutic that is proven to save lives. Leronlimab is currently undergoing FDA trails in the US. Brazil is also doing their own trials. Leronlimab is available for Covid in the Philippines.

Unfortunately due to corruption in the FDA and the pressure on Big Pharma to push the vax Leronlimab, which is the most effective treatment for Covid, has been been virtually crushed.

Fortunately, Leronlimab has 31 indications so far. It's just a matter of time before Leronlimab pops up on the world stage. Leronlimab has ZERO DEATHS and ZERO Adverse Effects.

Learn about Leronlimab now so you can talk to your doctor and family about it.
Must See Info About Leronlimab

90 Second Intro to Leronlimab

Discover that a single monoclonal antibody therapeutic drug can quiet the cytokine storm, kill the covid virus and re-build the immune system

3 Days From Ventilator To Hospital Release

Listen to Samantha's personal story of how she survived Covid after being essentially marked for death with no hope of recovery after trying every treatment before Leronlimab.
Dr Been interviews Samantha about her nearly fatal brush with Covid and her miraculous recovery.
OC Woman Credits Experimental Antibody Drug for COVID-19 Recovery
‘It Saved My Life’: OC Woman Survives Coronavirus After Receiving Experimental Drug Leronlimab
Samantha Mottet, COVID-19 survivor, discusses her experience with COVID-19 and use of Leronlimab

Leronlimab for Cancer

98% of deaths result from cancer metastasis and not the primary tumor.
Leronlimab STOPS metastasis.

Samantha Mottet Open Letter to FDA

Samantha Mottet Open Letter to FDA
(Editor's note) No one has ever died from #LERONLIMAB. Can't be said about the vaccine.

Leronlimab & Dr. Richard Nicholas, Sec. Greco Belgica

Leronlimab & Dr. Richard Nicholas, Sec. Greco Belgica
Dr. Richard Nicholas talks about his research & experience with #Leronlimab and treating Philippines Sec. Greco Belgica
This is an excerpt video. Full Video

CytoDyn Inc Investment Community Webcast 10/26/2021

CytoDyn Inc Investment Community Webcast 10/26/2021
Emerging Growth Conference #19 - Nader Pourhassan, Ph.D., President and Chief Executive Officer, Scott Kelly, M.D., Chairman, Chief Medical Officer and Head of Business Development, Nitya Ray, Ph.D., Chief Operating Officer and Chief Technology Officer and Christopher Recknor, M.D., Senior Executive VP of Clinical Operations of CytoDyn hosted an investment community webcast on Tuesday, October 26, 2021.
Leronlimab has 31 indications
Learn More About Leronlimab
Leronlimab (Vyrologix)
#Leronlimab is an emerging therapeutic that is proven to save lives. Leronlimab is currently undergoing FDA trails in the US. Brazil is also doing their own trials. Leronlimab is available for Covid in the Philippines.

#Leronlimab has 31 indications so far. It's just a matter of time before Leronlimab pops up on the world stage.

Leronlimab has ZERO DEATHS and ZERO Adverse Effects.

Have your doctor contact CytoDyn
CytoDyn Contact Info:

1111 Main Street Suite 660
Vancouver, WA 98660

Tel: 360-980-8524
Fax: 360-799-5954
Right to Try Programs by FDA
2 3
FDA Right-To-Try Programs
NRx Pharmaceuticals ZYESAMI (Aviptadil)
Breaking News
1 2
Breaking News
View December 18, 2022 - 35-Year-Old Chief of Canada’s “Vaccine” Rollout Dies Suddenly
View December 17, 2022 - FDA: "Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Linked to Blood Clotting"
View March 3, 2022 - "Safe & Effective"


55,000 pages!!!!!!!

Pfizer wanted this data suppressed for 75 years! 1,291 different adverse events following vaccination.

Biden bought 50 million doses for use on children next month.

Pfizer made $37 billion last year.

U.S. government’s database, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), has received 1,134,984 reports of adverse events, including 24,402 deaths, following COVID vaccination.

The list includes acute kidney injury, acute flaccid myelitis, anti-sperm antibody positive, brain stem embolism, brain stem thrombosis, cardiac arrest, cardiac failure, cardiac ventricular thrombosis, cardiogenic shock, central nervous system vasculitis, death neonatal, deep vein thrombosis, encephalitis brain stem, encephalitis hemorrhagic, frontal lobe epilepsy, foaming at mouth, epileptic psychosis, facial paralysis, fetal distress syndrome, gastrointestinal amyloidosis, generalized tonic-clonic seizure, Hashimoto’s encephalopathy, hepatic vascular thrombosis, herpes zoster reactivation, immune-mediated hepatitis, interstitial lung disease, jugular vein embolism, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, liver injury, low birth weight, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, myocarditis, neonatal seizure, pancreatitis, pneumonia, stillbirth, tachycardia, temporal lobe epilepsy, testicular autoimmunity, thrombotic cerebral infarction, Type 1 diabetes mellitus, venous thrombosis neonatal, and vertebral artery thrombosis among 1,246 other medical conditions following vaccination.
View February 18, 2022 - New JAMA paper show Ivermectin blows the COVID vaccines out of the water
View February 8, 2022 - Here is a list of top COVID misinformation spreaders
View February 7, 2022 - Negative vaccine efficacy example in the UK
View February 1, 2022 - Dr. Ryan Cole: Alarming Cancer Trend Suggests COVID-19 Vaccines Alter Natural Immune Response
View January 27, 2022 - The Vaccine-Injured and Their Fight for Treatment, Transparency—Trial Participants Maddie and Stephanie de Garay and Brianne Dressen
View January 22, 2022 - Walter Kirn: The Emerging Dystopia, a Combination of Orwellian Tyranny and Huxleian Self-Indulgence
Doctors Who Know Better
3 4
Doctors & People to Follow
These people are outspoken advocates of early treatment using any medicine that is safe & effective. Each have fantastic messages for you to hear. Check them out on Rumble, Google and possibly YouTube. Big Tech is censoring much of their information so you might have to dig harder. They all agree that early treatment is critical along with a healthy lifestyle of eating and exercise. Covid treatment has been known since March 2020 using repurposed drugs and emerging therapeutics such as monoclonal antibodies. The failed gov't policy of vax, vax, booster is unfortunate. Covid can be treated. Learn from these experts.
View Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
View Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
View Dr. Robert Malone
View Dr Peter McCullough
View Dr. Ryan Cole
View Dr. Harvey Risch
View Dr. Paul Marik
View Dr. Richard Urso
View Dr. Pierre Kory
View Dr. Brian Tyson, MD
View Dr. Mary Bowden
View Dr. Joel Wallskog
View Dr. Aaron Kheriaty
View Dr. David Wiseman
View Dr. Christina Parks
View Dr. Harpal Mangat
View Dr. Marty Makary
View Morgan Wallace, RN, Nurse Practitioner
View Nicole Sirotek, RN
View Senator Ron Johnson
View Children's Health Defense
View Early Covid Care Experts
View Christine Anderson - "Their House of Cards is Tumbling Down"
Dr Marty Makary explains vaxing children
(We're working on getting a video with a better audio)
Morgan Wallace, RN, Nurse Practitioner
“Everyone Who Died With Covid Should Be Considered Murdered”
Speaking at a New Hanover County school board meeting in Wilmington, North Carolina, on Jan. 7th 2022
Brian Tyson, MD
Dr Brian Tyson is one of the pioneers of early outpatient treatment for COVID-19, with zero death and just one short hospitalization out of some 1700 COVID-19 positive patients in Southern California.
Dr. Mary Bowden
Dr. Mary Bowden Files First Lawsuit Against Methodist Hospital Over Financial Records;
* Financial data after the appearance of Covid in 2020
* Financial data after the vaccine was rolled out in 2021
* # of Adverse Reactions in all vaccinated employees
* # of Breakthrough Infections in fully vaxxed employees
* # of Hospital Admissions with fully vaxxed patients
* Mortality data relative to vaxxed patients

Contact her at:
Dr. Mary Bowden Files First Lawsuit Against Methodist Hospital
There's Something About Dr. Mary Bowden
FLCCC Alliance
Defeat the Mandates DC
While vaccines have shown some efficacy in preventing the most severe outcomes of COVID-19, rising vaccine breakthrough infection rates do not support the rationale for mandatory vaccines.

At FLCCC, we believe vaccines are part of a multi-pronged COVID-19 strategy that encourages doctors to use all tools at their disposal. These tools include preventative measures and early treatment protocols using approved, safe and effective medications and supplements to safeguard the health of patients.

We are attending and speaking at the march on January 23 because we support medical freedom and the need to "let doctors be doctors" and uphold their Hippocratic oath.

Contact: FLCCC Alliance
Vaccine Injured
Dr. Joel Wallskog

As of February of 2021, Dr. Wallskog has been off work on an extended medical leave. He developed a condition known as transverse myelitis after receiving his first Moderna Covid vaccine. This condition involves an injury to his thoracic spinal cord. While he can walk short distances, he is unable to return to work as an orthopedic surgeon at this time.

Contact: Joel Wallskog, MD
Watch: Silence: The story of COVID vaccine victims
Vaccine Injury
1 1
Crimes Against Humanity
Vaccine Injury is real...

Educate yourself with it by reading about what happened to other people. Don't take our word for it, dig a little, do your own research and prove it to yourself.

The US Gov't is actively trying to kill a certain amount of people while corrupt politician, Big Pharma are money grabbing BILLIONS of dollars.

Why is the official position of the gov't only vax-vax-booster?

Why not promote healthy lifestyles and alternate treatments?

Why so much censorship?

What are they hiding?
Death by Medicine a film by Gary Null 10/23/15
The American medical system is broken and corrupted by money rather than scientific fact, and the answer is to create a new medical paradigm that addresses the health of people rather than raising of stock prices, careers and reputations.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - TSUNAMI OF REGRET 1/11/23
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny she is a world renowned medical provider who has been treating people for over 3 decades. Dr. Tenpenny has been speaking out against vaccine damage and medical tyranny for decades. In this episode Sherri covers the problems of the covid shots and the possible long term outcomes we have to look out for. This is a must listen to show and must be sent to everyone you know.
A compassionate exploration of the nuanced vaccine debate. While the vaccine debate grows more divided, those with adverse reactions get stuck in the middle.
Died Suddenly Documentary
Died Suddenly (Full Documentary, Not Suitable For Children)
"Safe & Effective" ... says Pfizer
How about you decide?


55,000 pages!!!!!!!

Pfizer wanted this data suppressed for 75 years! 1,291 different adverse events following vaccination.

Biden bought 50 million doses for use on children next month.

Pfizer made $37 billion last year.

U.S. government’s database, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), has received 1,134,984 reports of adverse events, including 24,402 deaths, following COVID vaccination.

The list includes acute kidney injury, acute flaccid myelitis, anti-sperm antibody positive, brain stem embolism, brain stem thrombosis, cardiac arrest, cardiac failure, cardiac ventricular thrombosis, cardiogenic shock, central nervous system vasculitis, death neonatal, deep vein thrombosis, encephalitis brain stem, encephalitis hemorrhagic, frontal lobe epilepsy, foaming at mouth, epileptic psychosis, facial paralysis, fetal distress syndrome, gastrointestinal amyloidosis, generalized tonic-clonic seizure, Hashimoto’s encephalopathy, hepatic vascular thrombosis, herpes zoster reactivation, immune-mediated hepatitis, interstitial lung disease, jugular vein embolism, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, liver injury, low birth weight, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, myocarditis, neonatal seizure, pancreatitis, pneumonia, stillbirth, tachycardia, temporal lobe epilepsy, testicular autoimmunity, thrombotic cerebral infarction, Type 1 diabetes mellitus, venous thrombosis neonatal, and vertebral artery thrombosis among 1,246 other medical conditions following vaccination.
Rescued From Hospital Death
More stories of medical malpractice. UNVAXXED Patient: How I Was Rescued From Hospital Death
Vaccine Injured Doctor on Extended Medical Leave
Dr. Joel Wallskog

As of February of 2021, Dr. Wallskog has been off work on an extended medical leave. He developed a condition known as transverse myelitis after receiving his first Moderna Covid vaccine. This condition involves an injury to his thoracic spinal cord. While he can walk short distances, he is unable to return to work as an orthopedic surgeon at this time.

Contact: Joel Wallskog, MD
Watch: Silence: The story of COVID vaccine victims
Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion
Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion | Documentary
Citizens’ Vaccine Injury Reporting System
Easily report your personal vaccine injury to a private, non-profit network of physicians
Vaccine Carnage In The ER, A Nurse Speaks Out
ER nurse (RN) talks about her experience with the forced vaccine.

Published June 15, 2022
Vaccine Damage News
VaccineDamage.News is a fact-based public education website
The Truth Is Out There
2 1
Restore Scientific Integrity
A Joint Statement, representing 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists to end the National Emergency, Restore Scientific Integrity, and Address Crimes Against Humanity.
17,000 physicians and medical scientists declare that the state of medical emergency must be lifted, scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed.
  1. We declare and the data confirm that the COVID-19 experimental genetic therapy injections must end.
  2. We declare doctors should not be blocked from providing life-saving medical treatment.
  3. We declare the state of national emergency, which facilitates corruption and extends the pandemic, should be immediately terminated.
  4. We declare medical privacy should never again be violated, and all travel and social restrictions must cease.
  5. We declare masks are not and have never been effective protection against an airborne respiratory virus in the community setting.
  6. We declare funding and research must be established for vaccination damage, death and suffering.
  7. We declare no opportunity should be denied, including education, career, military service or medical treatment, over unwillingness to take an injection.
  8. We declare that first amendment violations and medical censorship by government, technology and media companies should cease, and the Bill of Rights be upheld.
  9. We declare that Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, Janssen, Astra Zeneca, and their enablers, withheld and willfully omitted safety and effectiveness information from patients and physicians, and should be immediately indicted for fraud.
  10. We declare government and medical agencies must be held accountable.
Editor's note: I Told You So! This is why I created this website. To provide uncensored information.
Dr. Paul Marik: Spike-Related Diseases, Gaslighting of the Vaccine Injured, and the Suppression of Early Treatment

Do a quick jump to time mark 28:50
New Studies Once More Show Masks Don’t Work
Why Are Masks Making a Comeback in Many Areas?
Truth Over News
2,000 Mules
Election fraud running rampant.
Watch the full movie…
Covid Legal Resources
The Children’s Health Defense Legal Section has extensive legal resources that make aware and acquaints individuals about their legally protected rights to encourage, engage and empower individuals in a fight to preserve their fundamental human rights and on issues critical to health freedom.
#Leronlimab is an emerging therapeutic that is proven to save lives. Leronlimab is currently undergoing FDA trails in the US. Brazil is also doing their own trials. Leronlimab is available for Covid in the Philippines.

Unfortunately due to corruption in the FDA and the pressure on Big Pharma to push the vax Leronlimab, which is the most effective treatment for Covid, has been been virtually crushed.

Fortunately, Leronlimab has 31 indications so far. It's just a matter of time before Leronlimab pops up on the world stage. Leronlimab has ZERO DEATHS and ZERO Adverse Effects.

Learn about Leronlimab now so you can talk to your doctor and family about it.
This is a POTENTIAL list for LERONLIMAB. Yet, this emerging new drug is suppressed by FDA, Big Pharma and corrupt politicians. Remember, 100% SAFE, ZERO side effects (SAEs)

AA Amyloidosis, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Allergies (anaphylactic shock), Alopecia Areata, Alzheimer's, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Angioedema, Anthrax, Aplastic Anemia, Asthma, Atherosclerosis, Atopic Dermatitis, Cancer, Castleman Disease, Celiac Disease, Coeliac Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy, Chronic Kidney Disease (due to inflammation), Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, COPD, COVID-19 (and other coronaviruses), COVID-19 longhaulers syndrome (PASC), Crohn's Disease, Colitis, Cystic Fibrosis (anti-inflammatory in combo with CFTR modulators), Dermatomyositis, Diabetes (type 1 and 2), Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Emphysema, Endometriosis, Eosinophilic Esophagitis, Epilepsy (reduction in frequency and severity), Fibromyalgia, FMF Related Amyloidosis, Fragile X Syndrome, Gout, Grave’s Disease, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, GVHD, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Henoch–Schönlein Purpura, Hepatitis (autoimmune), HIV, Huntington's Disease, Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, Immune Thrombocytopenia, Inclusion Body Myositis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Influenza (severe), Kawasaki Syndrome, Lambert-Eaton Syndrome, Lewy Body Dementia, Lupus, Lyme Disease, Lymphedema, Marshall’s syndrome (PFAPA), Mesenteric Panniculitis, Miller Fisher Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Myasthenia Gravis, Myocarditis, NASH, Necrotizing Autoimmune Myopathy, Neurofibromatosis, Osteoarthritis, Osteomyelitis, Parkinson's Disease, Pemphigus, Peyronie's Disease (treatment of underlying autoimmune condition), Pneumonia, Polymyositis, Post-Myocardial Infarction Syndrome, Psoriasis, Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Rett Syndrome, Rheumatic Fever, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sarcoidosis, Scleroderma, Sepsis, Sickle Cell Disease (anti-inflammatory and anti-hypercoagulability effect), Sjogren’s Syndrome, Still’s Disease, Stroke, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Tuberculosis, Vasculitis, Wegener’s Granulomatosis, Less, Bullish
2 3
Visit Visit our Wellness & Weight Loss Website with NO CARB COUNTING!
Lose Weight!
Your Best Defense Against Covid
Nearly 40% of American adults aged 20 and over are obese.

71.6% of adults aged 20 and over are overweight, including obesity.
Wanna take a guess on the #1 morbidity factor with Covid is?

Yep! Obesity.
Guess what the easiest thing is to reduce your Covid experience?

Yep! Lose Weight!

OK. Easier said than done. But you can't reduce your age so losing weight is definitely something you can work on.

Eat & Lose Weight !
Did you know you can get the weight loss benefits of Ketosis WITHOUT the restrictive ketogenic diet? It's called Mitochondrial Uncoupling. Plus you'll get a healthy gut microbiome, healthy body and live longer. Yep. Just add MCT foods to your daily eating.

The Plan:
1. Eat MCT foods that promote Mitochondrial Uncoupling
Mitochondrial Uncoupling generates Ketones
Ketones puts you into Ketosis
This creates a "Caloric ByPass" where you lose weight

2. Consider a "Lectin Free Eating Lifestyle"
This removes or reduces the toxic lectins & promotes a healthly gut microbiome
A healthly gut microbiome gives you a healthly body, healthy skin and increases your life

3. Consider a "Intermittent Fasting"
Gradually build up to eating within a 6-8 hour time period
Example: Only eat between Noon to 6:00 PM

4. Consider adding "Supplements"
We recommend "MCT Wellness" and "Active Advantage"
(See the information below)

To get started watch these videos linked to the GREEN BUTTONS.
STOP Your Keto Diet!
(Keep Your Keto Weight Loss)
What if you could get the same (or better) results from your Keto diet WITHOUT the restrictive eating?
Did you know you do NOT have to restrict your daily carbs to 20-50g per day?
Well, it's TRUE!
Recent advances in our understanding has revealed how our "gut microbiome" works and how we can eat certain foods that release ketones without the need for a restrictive diet.

Further, this has been proved by many doctor researchers & studies. Doctors are now publishing books and materials that update how the ketosis system works. The GOOD NEWS is that you no longer need to try to adhere to a restrictive diet.

To get started, just watch these videos and see for yourself. Do a little research yourself and dig into what the doctors are saying. You will be pleasantly surprised!
How Your Body Works - An introduction to the Gut Microbiome
View Mitochondrial Uncoupling to get into Ketosis without a Ketogenic diet
View Moving Beyond Ketogenic
View It's All About The GUT !
View Dr Gundry's MCT Wellness Supplement
View Dr Gundry's Active Advantage Supplement
Supplements You Can Purchase To Help Your Weight Loss & Healthy Lifestyle Program...
We are an ambassador for Gundry MD. We get a small commission when you buy through our site. Thanks for your support!
View Dr Gundry's Supplements
Recommended Supplements to Get You Started

MCT Wellness

Active Advantage
Visit Visit our Wellness & Weight Loss Website with NO CARB COUNTING!
What is Lectin?
Lectin is a protein from plants. Plants use lectin to poison animals who try to eat them. When an animal eats a plant with lectin it will get sick and sometimes die. This is a great defensive plan to protect the plants from being eaten.

Unfortunately, Lectin is in the plants we eat as well, so they get into our bodies. This causes us to get sick. Eating foods high in lectin over the many years of our lives causes damage to our body, specifically the gut microbiome. This causes us to have health issues like autoimmune disease, IBS, arthritis, lupis and more.

By reducing or eliminating Lectin we can re-build the gut microbiome and live a healthier and longer quality life.

Below, is some information for you to begin your research into Lectin and how to begin your lectin free lifestyle.
While there are many ways to lose weight, and we've all tried pretty much everything out there, learning why we gain & keep weight and find it difficult to lose and keep off will start you on your own path to a more vital life & lifestyle.

Lectin Free Eating
We've looked into Dr. Steven Gundry and found some fascinating revelations. We invite you to do your own research and make your own choices. Here's some information on Dr. Gundry to get you started.
Dr. Steven Gundry
Dr Steven Gundry references...
View Dr Gundry's YouTube channel
View Dr Gundry's Website, Podcast & Blog
Here are some selected videos to get you started...
View Top Foods For Mitochondrial Uncoupling
View Dr. Steven Gundry on 'Unlocking the Keto Code' to weight loss with less restrictions
View DO THIS Every Day To Reduce Inflammation & STAY HEALTHY Until You're 105+
View Lectin:
Removing, de-toxing Lectin, reintroducing
Time mark 39:45 View

Leaky guy, IBS, arthritis
Time mark 32:39 View

Time mark 26:10 View
View Sugar

Best sweetener alternatives
Time mark 21:00 View
View 5 Ways to Reduce Lectin in your Favorite Foods
Hint: Soak, peel, de-seed, pressure cook, ferment
View Dr. Gundry's Ultimate Guide to Lectins
View Dr. Gundry Diet Food List: A Comprehensive Lectin Free Diet Plan
View Introduction to intermittent fasting
View Ep 148: Revealed: the biggest keto mistakes
Here's some great information from other websites...
View Lectin-Free Food List
View Mito Food Plan Guide
View Naomi Whittel - High Fiber Keto
Lectin Free Cooking Tips...
View Potatoes in pressure cooker, Instapot (Lectin free)
View Rice in pressure cooker, Instapot (Lectin free)
View Homemade Butter with One Ingredient
View Chocolate Fudge Brownie Bites (Lectin Free, Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Nut Free, Grain Free)
View Salted Caramel Turtle Candy (Sugar Free, Lectin Free, Gluten Free, Vegan)
View Pumpkin Spice Muffins (Sugar Free, Gluten Free, Nut Free, Lectin Free)
View Quick Guide to Lectin-Free, Gluten-Free Flours
Supplements You Can Purchase To Help Your Weight Loss & Healthy Lifestyle Program...
We are an ambassador for Gundry MD & Z-Stack. We get a small commission when you buy through our site. Thanks for your support!
View Dr Gundry's Supplements
View Dr Zelenko's Formula Z-Stack Vitamin
Visit Visit our Wellness & Weight Loss Website with NO CARB COUNTING!
The Big Lie
1 1
The reality is that the gov't cannot protect you from a virus. What they can do (and do) is to scare you into thinking that they can do something. They can impose mandates, restrictions and laws. Most of which are unconstitutional. They are supported by corrupt politicians & a corrupt national media. They have created an opportunity to enrich themselves and their cronies. People react to fear and the Covid pandemic is a perfect opportunity. The gov't counts on the principle that "irrelevant inconveniences = perceived safety".

What you can do is to educate yourself.

Do your research. Find like minded people. Find others out there, especially medical professionals, who do not buy into the Big Lie but rather want to help out their fellow citizens. And once you do that you will discover the power you already have and you can share your knowledge and experience with others as well.

The Simpsons seemed to be quite prescient.

Watch Kat Timpf's monologue on the GUTFELD show.

She rips the mask off the ineffective gov't policies regarding Covid.
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Editor's Note:

There is Hope and Help
Covid is a useful political corruption tool to scare people. There are many proven and successful therapies to treat Covid before it becomes life threatening. In fact, there is even one (#Leronlimab) that has saved lives of people with critical Covid that were expected to imminently die. The purpose of this website is to give you some references so you can DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

Private Website
This is a private website with the goal to provide you relevant information to help with your own research. Information is provided free of ads or any other cost to you. You can support our efforts by clicking HERE

Monoclonal Antibodies
The best treatment is the monoclonal antibodies. Most likely Regeneron. That's what the Washington DC elites got. All those old, unhealthy people got Covid and survived. Every wonder why? Ever wonder why they get special drugs to cure Covid and we get an experimental vax forced upon us, in addition to ridiculous mandates?

The VERY BEST monoclonal antibody is #Leronlimab, which is being suppressed by the FDA, big pharma, fake news and political corruption. An interesting point about Leronlimab is it's incredible safety record. There are ZERO Adverse Side Events (SAEs) and ZERO deaths from using it. There is also all kinds of personal testimonials of it's life saving benefits. So the question is, why is there not an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted while other drugs and vaccines approved by the FDA have actually killed thousands of people? But, keep an eye on it as it may be approved for other indications and may become available using off-label use.

Help Is Available
Fortunately there is a group of medical professionals and others that can provide you with knowledge & experience to deal with Covid in the early stages at home. They are interested in helping us instead of pulling the party line. Our goal is to find them and present them to you on this website.

-- Editor 1/16/2025
Censorship & Freedom
1 1
This section contains videos, information & links that are censored by fake news & big tech

You are being lied to.

And your government & it's policies are killing you.

Money grabbing corporations and corrupt government agencies are pulling off the biggest scam in human history. At your expense, both money and life.

If this is not true, then...

Why is any opposition being censored?
Why are therapeutics being suppressed?
Why are mass vaccinations being pushed?
Why is vaccine data being covered up?

Why are these questions not being openly and freely discussed?

Joe Rogan Experience. Dr. Peter McCullough. Covid411

Joe Rogan Experience. Dr. Peter McCullough. Covid411
Dr. Peter McCulloug discusses the vax, no vax product approved in the US, censorship, therapeutics and more

This Information is BANNED on Social Media

This Information is BANNED on Social Media

What if we had the answer the whole time?

What if we had the answer the whole time?
Do you have faith in your doctor? Does he or she have your best interest in mind when they make decisions about your health? Maybe they do.

However, since Covid-CCP we are seeing that many doctors are being coerced into acting as puppets for hospital corporations and Big Pharma.

Defending The Republic has produced a documentary, Doctors Orders, on Covid-CCP issues. We have talked to honest, ethical doctors, scientists, patients and pharmacists who have gone back with us to the beginning of Covid hysteria.

They explain, with personal stories, how our medical system has failed us and continues to fail us - not to mention the failure of almost all media and the government.

This documentary is eye-opening. It's encouraging. It's hopeful.

There are simple, proven and inexpensive cures for Covid-CCP. It is immensely treatable. But the truth is: It is up to you to understand the science and advocate for yourself and your loved ones. You can NOT depend on your doctors to help you. You will learn in this documentary the real science and how to protect your health. Many of our freedoms in America depend on you studying this information and acting on it.

Ultimately, we must educate ourselves and take responsibility for doing all we can to stay healthy, take vitamins, exercise, stay informed, and stand up for our rights.

We at will do all we can to help you.

We ask that you watch so that you know the truth. And, as always, share the documentary with your family and friends.

The Money Grabbers

The Money Grabbers
Money grabbing corporations & corrupt government agencies

They don't want you to have the cure.

They want you to have the injection.

El Savador Free Covid Package

El Savador Free Covid Package
The government of El Savador gives out free Covid packages to it's people

WAIT A MINUTE - Russian Roulette & Covid Internment Camps

WAIT A MINUTE - Russian Roulette & Covid Internment Camps

This video is heartbreaking

For the un-Vax'd there are money fines and interment camps

For the Vax'd it's thousands of people & babies killed, or extreme health problems

Gov'ts are running wild!
Wellness Membership Program
4 8
So you just found out you tested positive for Covid.

What's the very next thing you should do?
There's a ton of information out there. What's right for you? How do you sort through it all? What do you do next?

Don't worry. There is an easy way to manage your Early Home Treatment.

Join our Wellness Program & we'll show you what to do.
Take the confusion and frustration out of your life.

We've 'been there' and 'done that'.
Get Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine TOMORROW!
We'll work with you one-on-one to help you setup and manage your personal wellness program.

Here are just some of the benefits you'll enjoy with our Wellness Program
  • Help finding pharmacies that you can get medication like Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine
  • Help finding physicians that will help you with your medical plan
  • Help finding monoclonal antibody treatment centers
  • Help finding honest relevent sources of information for your personal wellness program
  • Help sorting through all the information so you can make informed choices
  • Help keeping updated with new and emerging information
  • Personalized, one-on-one consultations
  • No long term contracts or committments
  • and much more
  • 30 day consultation service via email, text and phone
FREE phone call. Give us a call to discuss your situation & concerns. We've "been there" and "done that". We can help you take the confusion and overload of information out of your situation. We can discuss possible solutions that you can review and decide upon.
Schedule a free phone consultation appointment now
to discuss which program is right for you
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The information contained or presented on this website is for educational purposes only. Information on this site is NOT intended to serve as a substitute for diagnosis, treatment, or advice from a qualified, licensed medical professional. Any treatment protocol you undertake should be discussed with your physician or other licensed medical professional. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of ANY material on this site.
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The information contained or presented on this website is for educational purposes only. Information on this site is NOT intended to serve as a substitute for diagnosis, treatment, or advice from a qualified, licensed medical professional. Any treatment protocol you undertake should be discussed with your physician or other licensed medical professional. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of ANY material on this site.
Wellness Program #2

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$149 one time payment for phone consultation
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The information contained or presented on this website is for educational purposes only. Information on this site is NOT intended to serve as a substitute for diagnosis, treatment, or advice from a qualified, licensed medical professional. Any treatment protocol you undertake should be discussed with your physician or other licensed medical professional. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of ANY material on this site.
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This website is completely free.

Because of fake news, prolific censorship, political power grabbing and rampant fear, I created this website so folks like you can find a source of like-minded people that want to help people with Covid without the money grabbing jerks.

I have my own internet servers, databases and custom programming services so I can publish any information without censorship from fake news or big tech and big social media.

The website is a collection of information that I discovered during my research and investigation into dealing with Covid and specifically dealing with Covid with Early Home Treatment.

Do your own research.

This website is based on my opinions and conclusions only. I cannot warrant any of the information so ... do your own research.

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